Membership Charge of Commitment

To become a member at Mission Road Bible Church is to make the commitments listed below. The expectations for our members do not extend beyond the responsibilities that Scripture establishes for all believers. Thus, your membership is a commitment to obey the Biblical principles for men and women in the church, and to do so specifically in and with this congregation. Please consider your ability to be faithful to the following commitments:

With the aid of the Holy Spirit:

  • I will be diligent to exercise self-control so that my lifestyle exhibits both true Christian love and personal holiness.
  • I will take seriously my relationship to others in the body of Christ, striving to maintain unity, avoiding gossip, backbiting, anger, and doing all I can to stimulate love and good deeds in others as I seek to exercise my spiritual gifts in faithful service.
  • I will consistently contribute, as a good steward of God’s blessings, such time, talent, and money, in the measure that God prospers me, so that our local and worldwide ministry of spreading the gospel may continue.
  • I will teach biblical truth to my family and acquaintances, as God gives me opportunity, with a desire to see them come to trust Christ and be saved.
  • I will endeavor to both give and receive admonition and instruction with meekness and in love, and submit to the biblical process of restoration from sin and church discipline.
  • I will make my relationships in our local body my priority as I fulfill Christ’s call to discipleship.
  • I will affirm our church’s doctrinal statement, remaining teachable where questions remain, avoiding the promotion of any doctrine contrary to our doctrinal statement.
  • I will commit to faithful attendance and sacrificial service when we gather corporately as the body of Christ.
  • I will follow the leadership of my Elders who have been charged by God to watch over my soul with loving care.
  • I will commit to praying for the ministry here at MRBC, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and the lost who need the Savior.