The Lost Parable
May 31, 2015 Speaker: Adam Bueltel Passage: Luke 10:25–10:37
A Walk Worthy of Praise
May 17, 2015 Speaker: Adam Bueltel Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:1–1:10
Who Can forgive Sins but God Alone?
May 17, 2015 Speaker: Aaron Johnson Passage: Mark 2:1–2:12
Evangelism and the Believer
May 10, 2015 Speaker: Rick Holland
It is Well With My Soul: God's Providence and Our Confidence (Part 3)
May 10, 2015 Speaker: Rick Holland Passage: Romans 8:28 Series: Romans 8: Life with the Spirit of God
Looking for Life in Competition
May 3, 2015 Speaker: Rick Holland Passage: Ecclesiastes 2:9 Series: Looking for Life in All the Wrong Places
Spiritual Gifts
May 3, 2015 Speaker: Rick Holland
It is Well With My Soul: God's Providence and Our Confidence (Part 2)
May 3, 2015 Speaker: Rick Holland Passage: Romans 8:28 Series: Romans 8: Life with the Spirit of God